CASPARGAME.EU is now known in Europe!

From May 19h till 22st Thomas More Mechelen was involved in a study trip in Lerum ( Sweden) with the topic of "Use of ICT to Support Learning and Teaching Processes ranging from Pre-School to Adult Education". These study visits (in the EU progam LifeLong Learning) offered the change to meet foreign colleagues who are working, researching similar topics. Since in Flanders media literacy is a fairly recent policy area, this study visit offers the chance to explore, investigate and compare how other countries  have been dealing with questions such as: what is media literacy? how can we measure it?  how do we implement the training of these media skills in lifelong learning, starting in preschool? How do we use creativity (as expression of participation) to establish a critical mass concerning media?

At the same time VXM was very proud to distribute Caspargame at the attending collegues and giving a presentation about its creation and use. is known now in parts of Bulgaria, Greece, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Ireland, UK, Poland, ...