CASPAR is the media literacy card game produced by Villa Crossmedia in collaboration with Mediaraven.
Looking for a way to motivate your team, your youngsters, to think about media literacy? Then play the game with us!
Starting from the theoretical framework developed by VxM, Mediaraven was engaged as an external expert to co-develop a training package about media literacy that would help trainers in medialabs to tackle certain media literacy items with youngsters.
Feedback sessions were held in all involved medialabs and the conclusion was that a media literacy game would be most influential to reach a broad public dealing with youngsters and media literacy.

Hi, I am CASPAR! I am a hipster bear and my name is an abbreviation for:
- Copyright
- Audience&aim
- Storytelling
- Privacy
- Authorship
- Research
I play a leading roll in a media literacy card game, in which I test if youngsters know as much about media as they say they do.
The game is up!
Discover CASPAR and the game rules on
The setting up of a media lab is not just a matter of finding a location, buying the essential equipment and providing the right trainers and workshops;
what is most essential to make a media lab successful, is also the hardest to establish: a group of young, enthusiastic engaged volunteers, who want to
help and create the identity of the media lab and adopt it as their own.
Since all partners came across their own difficulties in recruiting and engaging volunteers, we found it useful to do some comparative research on how media labs from different countries, with different background and a different audience deal with their volunteer work. The organisation Mediaraven selected media labs throughout Europe and sent them all a list of question on the way they run their media lab. Based on the answers, they selected six media labs (including the three Villa Crossmedia- labs) to carry out more profound Skype interviews.
The interviews are published in a brochure, accompanied by some recommendationson how to run a voluntary-based organisation , a list of media labs in Europe and some tips on how to organize international exchanges.
you can find the brochure on